Penis Dysmorphia

Penis Dysmorphia is a very real mental disorder. Just as Body Dysmorphia affects the way we see our body, penis dysmorphia changes the reality of how we perceive our penis. Men who have this condition view their penis as abnormally small to the point of shame, humiliation, and isolation. They generally avoid all sexual activity …

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Planning IS Sexy

Our culture often leads us to believe that the best sex is spontaneous sex. After a candlelit dinner, one partner sweeps the other off their feet and away they go to the bedroom for passionate sex. In real life, when it “should” be time for sex, you might be feeling tired after a busy day …

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Finding a Sexual Dysfunction Expert

Finding an expert in any field takes a lot of work. In the field of sexuality and sexual medicine, it is an even more daunting task. It’s difficult to find a doctor we feel comfortable with and finding a doctor who is comfortable with sexuality is even more challenging. Most of us turn to the …

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Whole Person Sex Treatments

One of the most common questions I hear, even by mental health professionals, is that if sexual function issues are anxiety based, why do we recommend using medical intervention? Their assumption is that if it is not a physiological problem, why treat it medically? I could write a whole book on the interconnectedness of the …

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Sexual education: 4 things you might be wrong about.

For many Americans, sex education involved a combination of awkward conversations with Mom and Dad, preachy abstinence-only lectures at school, and sensationalist stories traded among friends. In this environment, it’s easy for myths to become accepted as facts. You might feel confident as an adult that you know all you need to know about sex, …

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