Orgasm Disorders: Anhedonia

Problems with orgasms, while not as common as other sexual disorders, are some of the most frustrating sexual health issues around. To be clear, we are talking about orgasms, not ejaculations. An orgasm is the euphoric feeling that occurs primarily in the brain and is a sudden release of a cocktail of hormones and chemicals. …

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The Lonely Man: A National Epidemic

The first time I meet with a patient, I try to take a snapshot of what’s going on in his life. We find out about the relationships, family history, sexual history, and generally find out who they are. One of my last questions is “Who are the intimate friendships in your life – The guys …

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Ejaculation vs. Orgasm…what’s the difference?

When it comes to talking about sex, our culture struggles with understanding terminology and definitions. Using words and meaning are necessary for clear communication. If we are not able to communicate clearly, we are not able to explain accurately what is going on with our bodies. If we are not using the words correctly the …

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Penile Rehabilitation – Fact or Fiction?       

About 12 years ago, a significant change was taking place in treatment of men following prostate surgery. Prostate surgeons began to respond to men who were experiencing significant side effects from prostate surgery. The voices of prostate cancer survivors were growing louder and louder regarding the side effects. These side effects were simply unacceptable because …

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Premature Ejaculation: What causes it?

Premature Ejaculation can be very frustrating for men or couples who are experiencing it. In order to treat premature ejaculation, we must first determine the causes, if any, and explore treatments appropriate for each patient. Premature ejaculation has many contributing factors. For that matter, there are many aspects of our life that are likely contributing …

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How Does Ejaculation Work?

An ejaculation is an amazing process. The act of ejaculating is the foundation of the survival of our species. Perhaps that is why men seem to be so interested in it. I often feel that we have a strong primal attachment to this sexual experience. It is as if it is the ultimate display of …

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Viagra vs. Birth Control

Several months ago, I was sitting at the bar of my favorite watering hole, sipping a beer and waiting for dinner. A woman sat down next to me and struck up a conversation (which is completely appropriate for this small New England village). It was not long before I learned she was involved in local …

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Finding a Sexual Dysfunction Expert

Finding an expert in any field takes a lot of work. In the field of sexuality and sexual medicine, it is an even more daunting task. It’s difficult to find a doctor we feel comfortable with and finding a doctor who is comfortable with sexuality is even more challenging. Most of us turn to the …

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Pelvic Floor Dysfunction: What is it?

It is always heartbreaking to hear stories of men who have been seeking medical help but have been unable to find treatment. If a patient is suffering from pain, discomfort, and loss of bodily function, they find it extremely disheartening to be told there is nothing wrong with them by their doctor. By the time …

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How to Arouse a Man with Low Testosterone

Low testosterone levels can cause a multitude of health problems; obesity, heart disease, osteoporosis, brain fog, lethargy, and even depression can all be traced to low testosterone levels. One aspect of this condition that is always challenging to treat, is the accompanying low libido that plagues many men. Some men simply lose their appetite for …

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