Your Health Is In Your Hands.

Believe it or not, you can masturbate badly. We’re not talking about it being bad to masturbate – that’s between you and yourself! But many, many men develop solo sexual habits that can ultimately have a deleterious effect on their partnered sex life. OK, so how does one masturbate well? Think of masturbation as a sexual tune-up for the body. It’s time you’ve set aside to check in on all systems to make sure they are working and sensing properly. Be aware of the firmness of your erection. Be aware of the level of orgasm. Be aware of changes in your responses.

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It’s Not You, It’s Me

The lights are low, the playlist is perfect, the sheets are silky and you are ready for some outrageously hot sex with your partner. You’re moving and shaking and everything seems to be going well until…it’s not. OR: You and your partner used to have the greatest sex on the planet. Your bodies fit together …

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You Don’t Need to Come Out to Us.

We know that men have sex with men for many reasons and under many circumstances. Gay men’s primary sexual and romantic relationships are with other men. Some men identify as bisexual or pansexual. Other men may exclusively be in romantic relationships with women while also having sexual experiences with men. Regardless of the social labels, …

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Gay Sexual Medicine

I am often surprised when I am asked if we offer Gay Sexual Medicine (as if who a person has sex with determines sexual function). The short answer is “Yes,” but then I am really uncomfortable with that answer too! We work in Sexual Medicine – Period. Gay, bi, straight, pansexual, asexual, omnisexual, whatever – …

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Penis Dysmorphia

Penis Dysmorphia is a very real mental disorder. Just as Body Dysmorphia affects the way we see our body, penis dysmorphia changes the reality of how we perceive our penis. Men who have this condition view their penis as abnormally small to the point of shame, humiliation, and isolation. They generally avoid all sexual activity …

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Always Late To The Party?

Delayed Ejaculation is far more common than most people realize. The inability or difficulty in reaching climax through sexual activity affects most men at some point in their life. Prevalence is difficult to determine because diagnosis is even more difficult. In our work, it is probably safe to say that one in four men has …

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Myth: Women Are Totally Into Size…

Men love their penis (hence the dick pic). It’s a bit irrational, this love affair, but nevertheless, it’s there. This is key to understanding how men relate to their penis and how they relate to other people with/through their penis. I actually had one guy say that his wife was lucky because he shared his …

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Bottoming: Positioned for Success

Remember this:  The bottom is in control no matter what the fantasy is or looks like. Any sex position, where the bottom is on top, gives the bottom more control over the speed and angle of penetration.  The most logical position that promotes easy insertion and best chance at early success is the Reverse Cowboy.  …

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Bottoming: Getting to Know Your Bodily Functions

It is impossible to meaningly discuss bottoming without addressing the elephant in the room. That elephant is feces.  If you are somehow too squeamish or offended by the subject then “Good luck to you and it is now time for you to leave.” For anyone interested in learning more, please read on. Getting to know …

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