Myth: Women Are Totally Into Size…

Men love their penis (hence the dick pic). It’s a bit irrational, this love affair, but nevertheless, it’s there. This is key to understanding how men relate to their penis and how they relate to other people with/through their penis. I actually had one guy say that his wife was lucky because he shared his …

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Ejaculation vs. Orgasm…what’s the difference?

When it comes to talking about sex, our culture struggles with understanding terminology and definitions. Using words and meaning are necessary for clear communication. If we are not able to communicate clearly, we are not able to explain accurately what is going on with our bodies. If we are not using the words correctly the …

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How to Arouse a Man with Low Testosterone

Low testosterone levels can cause a multitude of health problems; obesity, heart disease, osteoporosis, brain fog, lethargy, and even depression can all be traced to low testosterone levels. One aspect of this condition that is always challenging to treat, is the accompanying low libido that plagues many men. Some men simply lose their appetite for …

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Vasectomy and Sex – What to expect

For many couples, having a reliable and permanent method of birth control equates to peace of mind. Many women are unable to take hormones for a variety of reasons; therefore, a vasectomy may be an option worth exploring. A vasectomy is a procedure done to block or cut both of the vas deferens tubes within …

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Can sperm count be related to your diet?

Today, we often forget (or ignore) how food affects our health. Food is fuel and there is something to the adage, “you are what you eat.” Our food provides important vitamins, minerals and nutrients which are needed for our bodily processes to work correctly. Food intake has been linked to chronic diseases such as obesity, …

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So, You Think You Masturbate “Wrong”?

The word “Idiosyncratic” means something that pertains to an individual. In this case, it means a person who has a way of masturbating that is unique (or out of the ordinary).  Most men stroke their penis with their hand in a way that vaguely imitates the stimulation from intercourse. Idiosyncratic masturbation encompasses a broad variety …

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Foods that can actually increase your libido

Who doesn’t love a romantic, home cooked dinner featuring some foods that can actually increase your libido? According to Jennifer R Berman MD, the director the Bermans Women’s Wellness Center in Beverly Hills California “there is a growing body of evidence that some of the vitamins and components in food can enhance sexual function and …

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Sexual Aids for Men

Sexual aids for men have always had a troubled existence. For decades, they have been associated with lurid porn shops in seedy parts of town. Sex toys and porn have been inextricably linked for far too long. The reality is that marital aids, as they are clinically called, can be a very valuable tool in helping restore and improve sexual performance in men.

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