I Can’t Tell Them That!

If you’re having a behavioral health issue and you’re seeing a therapist, it only makes sense for you to bring it up. Sure, you could hide it, but if you do, you won’t be able to get the comprehensive support you seek. Your therapist will be missing an important piece of your life which will …

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Testosterone & The Brain..

Testosterone levels in your body are controlled by a complex system that includes your brain, testes, and several different hormones. The hypothalamus, which is located in the brain, secretes hormones that pulse throughout the day. The release of these hormones is controlled by a negative feedback loop. When adequate levels of hormones are reached, a signal is sent to the brain to slow down production.

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For The Partners…

One of the most common worries we hear from men who have a sexual dysfunction of any kind is that they worry that their partner blames themselves and tends to feel they might be part of the problem. If a man has some sort of sexual dysfunction (usually ED or low libido), the partner often …

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Mysteries of The Male Body

To say that erections are mysterious is a bit of an understatement. When we were younger, erections seemed to happen at the most random and embarrassing moments! As we got older, an erection became a symbol of virility and deeply connected to our personal identity. For most men, erections are summoned and seem arise of …

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