Pride…All Year Long.

If you’re a member or an ally of the queer community, you know that Pride isn’t just one month of celebration. Being proud of who you are as an individual and as a sexual being (or not – that’s the “A” for asexual in LBGTQIA+) is something we strive to experience every day. But since …

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It’s Not You, It’s Me

The lights are low, the playlist is perfect, the sheets are silky and you are ready for some outrageously hot sex with your partner. You’re moving and shaking and everything seems to be going well until…it’s not. OR: You and your partner used to have the greatest sex on the planet. Your bodies fit together …

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You Don’t Need to Come Out to Us.

We know that men have sex with men for many reasons and under many circumstances. Gay men’s primary sexual and romantic relationships are with other men. Some men identify as bisexual or pansexual. Other men may exclusively be in romantic relationships with women while also having sexual experiences with men. Regardless of the social labels, …

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Time Under Tension

Those of you who work out might be familiar with the expression “time under tension, or TuT” According to Men’s Journal, TuT “refers to how long a muscle is under strain during a set.” This can be a very effective way to strengthen your biceps and quads, but what about a relationship under quarantine? For …

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Why Do We Crave Carbs?

Often, people who have issues with their weight complain that they have sugar cravings, feel hungry, and feel out of control with their eating. These cravings make it difficult to stop eating sweets and control food intake. Sugar cravings are not imagined and not due to a lack of willpower! Carbs and sugar are addictive …

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